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Little Moments

Little moments

This is not your typical how-to article or a story about some unbelievable fishing experience. There are, unfortunately no jaw-dropping details to feature in this one. In fact, it's a bit of the opposite, actually. A softer side of things. This article shares more of a raw, behind-the-scenes look into fishing for me. The moments that are rarely highlighted because they can seem so meaningless at times, but are what inspire me to do what I do.

This is not your typical how-to article or a story about some unbelievable fishing experience. There are, unfortunately no jaw-dropping details to feature in this one. In fact, it's a bit of the opposite, actually. A softer side of things. This article shares more of a raw, behind-the-scenes look into fishing for me. The moments that are rarely highlighted because they can seem so meaningless at times, but are what inspire me to do what I do.

Not long ago, I read this quote, "Fishing is not just about catching fish, it’s about the journey and the memories that last a lifetime”- unknown. That saying could not be more true for me. Over the years, I have been so fortunate enough to travel all over for fishing. I have enjoyed some amazing experiences, and I have caught fish bigger than me! I can't even express how freaking awesome it is to do that! But as the saying goes, “Fishing is not just about the fish; it's about the journey and the memories.” To look back and see where I once started and where I am now is wonderful. The places I have gone and the things I have done are nothing I take for granted.

Of Course, as an angler, we are always trying to better ourselves and our skills. We want to be known for our achievements. Cashing that big tournament check, booking another client, or wanting to be the next best thing on social media. But oftentimes, we can get so wrapped up in trying to be on top that we forget to appreciate the little moments. I know, I know, that's a bit cliche, but if you stop and think about it, it really is quite true. Take this for example, the moment of learning how to tie a new knot. This little moment will eventually lead you on a journey to catching that amazing fish you've dreamt of, which will then become a memory that will last a lifetime. Each person will have their own unique little moments. Some will be appreciated instantly, and others may unknowingly be taken for granted. But it's those little moments that will help pave the journey to make those lifelong memories.

Throughout my crazy journey, I have been blessed to share these wonderful moments with my husband, Troy. He has been my teacher, my net man, and my adventure buddy through it all! Without him, I don’t know how I would have learned or tried anything on my own. Those that know me, know I'm shy and lacking in the confidence department. But Troy has always been patient and willing to teach. Not everyone grows up fishing or has someone to teach them. However, it is true that nowadays almost all knowledge can be acquired through YouTube, but sometimes we still need a little extra hands-on learning. Aside from all that, finding the courage to go out and try new things on your own can leave you feeling a bit anxious too. Or even just finding that friend to fish with can be a whole new struggle in itself.

As I mentioned before, I have been lucky to have Troy by my side. I owe everything to him and it never goes unnoticed. I don’t ever claim to know everything and I never act like I did everything alone. Yes, I might have baited the hook and caught the fish, but maybe he netted it or drove the boat. Maybe I threw for shad, but he got the rods ready. I always look at us as a team, never trying to outshine one another and always there to support each other! But as a female, there is still that small feeling of wishing I had a girlfriend to fish with too. I mean, even Troy likes to go fishing with just “the guys” from time to time. It’s just who we are as humans. Unfortunately for me, for the first few years of getting into fishing, I did not know any girls that fished. Definitely none that would be down for an adventure.

But just a few years ago, one little moment led me down a whole new path I didn’t know I wanted to be on. I had been scrolling through social media when I came across the Ladies Midwest Meetup page. It was founded by Alicia Gajewsky in 2019 to help provide opportunities for women to learn hands-on the sport of fishing in the Midwest through ice and open water events. I instantly thought that was super cool and was very much intrigued. Even though I love that Troy teaches me, there's always something to be said about how females are much more patient and understanding when they teach something. And there definitely is truth to that.

As I dug in deeper on the LMM page, I noticed they were offering an ice fishing event in Wisconsin. I had never been to one, nor even knew a single lady attending this one. I really wanted to go, but knew there was no way I would have the guts to go alone. So I began asking around. Finally, a friend agreed, and when that weekend came we made the 8-hour drive together. Once we arrived, I was so nervous! But then I met Alicia. She greeted me with so much kindness. I was someone with no importance, and she treated me like I had something to offer. It instantly gave me the confidence I needed for the weekend. In fact, every lady there was so supportive of one another. It was the neatest thing to see. Hugs, smiles, and high-fives were shared throughout the whole event. No matter the level of experience each of us had, we were all there for the same reasons… to Connect, Learn, and Explore.

Needless to say, after that event, I was hooked. I absolutely loved what LMM stood for and was providing. I wanted to help support. I made it a goal to join as many events as I could. Boldly attending several of them on my own! But it was those little moments of signing up and making 8-hour trips by myself that gave me lifelong memories. And those moments are what paved a new path in my journey. A new door opened, and I was given an opportunity to share my passion. A way to help others. A way to prove to myself that I truly did have something to offer. I was given the chance to host a LMM Catfish event! An event that had never been done yet...

When I initially began discussing this opportunity with Alicia, I didn't really know what to expect. But as the planning began, I quickly realized I wanted to put everything I had into it. Catfishing is my passion, but it is not always for everyone. So how was I going to show its true beauty to others? As I put pen to paper, the ideas started flowing. Before long, and with the help of my wonderful co-host, Devon, and our amazing team of supporters, the first LMM Kayak Catfishing & Camping Experience was underway!

As the event finally arrived, the weekend’s agenda was filled with hands-on learning experiences. By the time it was over, the ladies had grasped a better understanding of different rod setups, kayak basics, and how to tie their own rigs. They learned how to bait a hook and the value of catch & release, and proper fish handling. The ladies even got to try some catfish nuggets whipped up in the famous Whisker Seeker breading before roasting s'mores over a campfire. Not to mention the coolest part of experiencing a tug-of-war fight with a trophy-sized channel out of their kayak! It was the most beautiful weekend!

Thinking back right now, I can’t believe that it has already been two months since hosting that event! To think about all the incredible little moments that built up that weekend just fills my heart! The genuine interest the ladies portrayed was beautiful. I never thought in a million years I would be able to get that many women interested in catfishing. Many of the gals had never caught a catfish before this, fished from a kayak, or even tasted catfish. Witnessing all the “firsts” was absolutely incredible!! But to later hear back from some of the gals, saying they have since gone out on their own, put that knowledge to the test, and are successfully catching cats…just makes my heart smile! It was those little moments we could offer them that have now turned into their own beautiful memories.

As for me, it was those little moments of detail we put into everything. It was the moment of finding confidence in myself. Stepping out of my comfort zone. The moment of meeting someone I look up to and finding out they look up to me too. It was the moment of all these little ideas on paper actually turning into a reality. I couldn’t have been more proud of everything. Although I was beyond nervous about how everyone would accept the weekend, they all outshined with their own little unique moments!

I am beyond grateful for that experience and so incredibly happy for the path it has created. But to say I did it alone would never be true. I owe so much to everyone that was involved! From the ladies who attended to the backstage crew of supporters. And as you would guess, Whisker Seeker was one of those supporters. Believing in a company that believes in you right back is an awesome feeling! They understood what this moment meant to me, and they went above and beyond to help make it a lifelong memory!

So whether you are out there to push yourself, help others, or just plain enjoy a beautiful day on the water…there is always a little moment to cherish! Sometimes we just need to be reminded of that.